Living with Covid-19

Posted March 17, 2020 by Vindi Sekhon

Certainly, this unexpected pandemic affects everything we all do including rescuing wildlife in need of help! Committed volunteers and staff are working very hard to keep the wildlife hospital open during this challenging time, to support both animals and all of you helping them. We have reduced our onsite personnel to just a few people with many of us continuing our work from home to support saving lives! Human safety is the top priority, so we are adjusting our programs that include:  

  • continued Support Services through our Support Centre from the homes of staff and volunteers 
  • providing advice for any animals you find that need help 
  • a drop off station is set up for injured animals 
  • our field teams continue to pick up as many animals as possible during the day by joining you in observing social distancing for everyone’s safety 
  • Wildlife releases are only being done by staff at this time 
  • If you have questions please contact our Support Centre.

If you have found an animal in distress:  

  • Please contact our Support Centre for assistance.
  • please keep any animal you have in your possession confined in a well-ventilated container, in a warm, dark, quiet place far away from people and pets. Do not offer food or water. 
  • you may bring well contained injured and orphaned wildlife to the Centre at 5216 Glencarin Drive, Burnaby, BC. Carefully follow all directions and provide complete information on the forms provided. 
  • to ensure we can keep our hospital open – please do not come to Wildlife Rescue if you are sick, have been sick in the last 14 days or have traveled outside of Canada in the last 14 days 

Your Wildlife Rescue Team is dedicated to doing everything possible to continue working with you to save the lives of wild animals in need of help.  

We are assessing the situation daily and will provide updates as we make changes by the BC Centre for Disease Control and government protocols. 

For media inquiries please contact  

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