Spring Match Goal Surpassed!

Posted March 30, 2021 by Vindi Sekhon

Thanks to you, we surpassed our Spring Matching goal and some!

Thanks to your amazing community support, we reached the initial target of $30,000 early on in the month, which inspired new donors to come forward with additional challenge gifts increasing our goal to $50,000!

This could not have been better timing. In the past two months, the hospital has taken 672 animals into care – 55% more than last year at this time. Calls to the Wildlife Helpline are 73% higher than last year, with 3,663 callers seeking assistance for animals in distress in January and February alone!

This HUGE increase in wildlife activity means more animal emergencies, especially in urban areas filled with potential dangers.

Last Spring and Summer, Wildlife Rescue admitted over 3,000 nestlings and fledglings, and we are expecting even more intakes this year!

Thank you for your continued support! We could not do this life-saving work without you!

Nestling Chickadees
Nestling Hummingbird


Posted in What's New