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Since 1979 more than 140,000 animals have been treated by Wildlife Rescue.
Thanks to the support of individuals like you, Wildlife Rescue can provide a lifeline for animals in distress.
Learn how to stay safe and enjoy bats in the wild.
“We want to educate the public and encourage them to allow wildlife to find their own food and call our helpline when in doubt or if you suspect unusual behavior” says Janelle Stephenson, hospital manager.
If you suspect a baby bird in your neighborhood has been injured or displaced call our Wildlife Rescue team right away. Time is of the essence, the sooner medical care is provided, the higher the chances of survival.
We all welcome the chance to spend more time outdoors and Wildlife Rescue wants to help you co-exist with nature a bit better. Since it’s also the start of baby bird season, we’d like to offer you an easy list to follow to ensure baby birds (and mammals!) are not separated from their parents.
imals and humans both need to manage through winter’s adverse conditions of freezing weather and snowstorms. When we’re all tucked up in our warm homes, it’s easy to overlook what we can do to make winter survival easier for wildlife in our backyards.
In January of this year, Wildlife Rescue lost one of its own. Kieran Bridge was Wildlife Rescue’s lawyer for decades. He will not be forgotten.
A young goose arrived at Wildlife Rescue with a stick stabbed through its leg in what looked like an intentional attack by a person. Click here to read about its emergency surgery, the care required to heal it, and its reunion with its family.
Nearly frozen to death in Ontario in 2015, this Bullock’s oriole’s journey to recovery and freedom is simply remarkable.
Outdoor cats are the number one killer of wild birds in Canada. How can you help prevent cats from injuring innocent wildlife?
Fledgling crows can appear to be in danger as they learn to fly, but knowing these few simple rules can help you decide whether to act.