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This time of year, migrating birds choose British Columbia’s beautiful trees and forests as a spot to lay their eggs and start their families. This beautiful journey often has challenges, one being nest removal and nest disturbance.
Read MoreSpring and summer are a delicate time of year for ground-nesting birds like the Dark-eyed Junco, Hermit Thrushes, Sparrows, and Killdeer to name a few. One of the most common and easily forgotten human disturbances during spring is lawn mowing, which unknowingly harms wildlife, particularly ground-nesters!
Read MoreEvery year from around mid-March to late August, the lower mainland is filled with birds finding habitats, constructing nests, and nesting. For birds, their mating season is extremely important – after all, this is the period in which they lay eggs and watch their kids grow up!
Read MoreSpring and summer are a particularly sensitive time of year for ground-nesting birds. We need your help to ensure ground-nesting wildlife like the northern junco, hermit thrushes, and meadowlark are among species that can lay and protect their eggs safely. One of the most common and easily forgotten human disturbance during spring is lawn mowing.
Read MoreWildlife Rescue and long-time expert Kiyoshi Takahashi assist in the release of an orphaned nestling Purple Martin at Rocky Point Park in Port Moody, BC.
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